Python Shortcuts for the Python Beginner (Posted on January 26th, 2013)
The following are just a collection of some useful shortcuts and tools I've found in Python over the years. Hopefully you find them helpful.
Swapping Variables
x = 6 y = 5 x, y = y, x print x >>> 5 print y >>> 6
Inline if Statement
print "Hello" if True else "World" >>> Hello
The last one is a pretty cool way to combine objects of two different types.
nfc = ["Packers", "49ers"] afc = ["Ravens", "Patriots"] print nfc + afc >>> ['Packers', '49ers', 'Ravens', 'Patriots'] print str(1) + " world" >>> 1 world print `1` + " world" >>> 1 world print 1, "world" >>> 1 world print nfc, 1 >>> ['Packers', '49ers'] 1
Number Tricks
#Floor Division (rounds down) print 5.0//2 >>> 2 #2 raised to the 5th power print 2**5 >> 32
Be careful with division and floating point numbers.
print .3/.1 >>> 2.9999999999999996 print .3//.1 >>> 2.0
Numerical Comparison
This is a pretty cool shortcut that I haven't seen in too many languages.
x = 2 if 3 > x > 1: print x >>> 2 if 1 < x > 0: print x >>> 2
Iterate Through Two Lists at the Same Time
nfc = ["Packers", "49ers"] afc = ["Ravens", "Patriots"] for teama, teamb in zip(nfc, afc): print teama + " vs. " + teamb >>> Packers vs. Ravens >>> 49ers vs. Patriots
Iterate Through List With an Index
teams = ["Packers", "49ers", "Ravens", "Patriots"] for index, team in enumerate(teams): print index, team >>> 0 Packers >>> 1 49ers >>> 2 Ravens >>> 3 Patriots
List Comprehension
With a list comprehension we can turn this:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6] even = [] for number in numbers: if number%2 == 0: even.append(number)
Into this:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6] even = [number for number in numbers if number%2 == 0]
Pretty sweet huh?
Dictionary Comprehension
Similar to the list comprehension we can also do a dictionary comprehension like this:
teams = ["Packers", "49ers", "Ravens", "Patriots"] print {key: value for value, key in enumerate(teams)} >>> {'49ers': 1, 'Ravens': 2, 'Patriots': 3, 'Packers': 0}
Initialize List Values
items = [0]*3 print items >>> [0,0,0]
Converting a List to a String
teams = ["Packers", "49ers", "Ravens", "Patriots"] print ", ".join(teams) >>> 'Packers, 49ers, Ravens, Patriots'
Get Item From Dictionary
I'll admit that try/except code doesn't look the prettiest. Here's a simple way to fix that with dictionaries. This will try to find the key in the dictionary and if it can't be found it will set the variable to the second parameter.
Instead of:
data = {'user': 1, 'name': 'Max', 'three': 4} try: is_admin = data['admin'] except KeyError: is_admin = False
Do this:
data = {'user': 1, 'name': 'Max', 'three': 4} is_admin = data.get('admin', False)
Taking a Subset of a List
Sometimes you only want to run code over a portion of a list. Here are a few ways you can get the subset of a list.
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6] #First 3 print x[:3] >>> [1,2,3] #Middle 4 print x[1:5] >>> [2,3,4,5] #Last 3 print x[-3:] >>> [4,5,6] #Odd numbers print x[::2] >>> [1,3,5] #Even numbers print x[1::2] >>> [2,4,6]
FizzBuzz in 60 Characters
A while back Jeff Atwood popularized a simple programming exercise called FizzBuzz. Here is the excerpt on the problem:
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
Here's a short, fun way to solve the problem.
for x in range(1,101):print"Fizz"[x%3*4:]+"Buzz"[x%5*4:]or x
In addition to python's built in datatypes they also include a few extra for special use cases in the collections module. I find the Counter to be quite useful on occasion. Some of you may even find it useful if you're participating in this year's Facebook HackerCup.
from collections import Counter print Counter("hello") >>> Counter({'l': 2, 'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'o': 1})
Along with the collections library python also has a library called itertools which has really cool efficient solutions to problems. One is finding all combinations. This will tell us all the different ways the teams can play each other.
from itertools import combinations teams = ["Packers", "49ers", "Ravens", "Patriots"] for game in combinations(teams, 2): print game >>> ('Packers', '49ers') >>> ('Packers', 'Ravens') >>> ('Packers', 'Patriots') >>> ('49ers', 'Ravens') >>> ('49ers', 'Patriots') >>> ('Ravens', 'Patriots')
False == True
This is more of a fun one than a useful technique. In python True and False are basically just global variables. Thus:
False = True if False: print "Hello" else: print "World" >>> Hello
If you've got any other cool tips/tricks leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
Tags: Python
About Me
My name is Max Burstein and I am a graduate of the University of Central Florida and creator of Problem of the Day and Live Dota. I enjoy developing large, scalable web applications and I seek to change the world.