• Here are all articles tagged Heroku
  • Django 1.5 Invalid HTTP_HOST header

    Posted on June 8th, 2013 | Tags: Django, Heroku

    I recently updated all the components for my blog. Going to Django 1.5 caused an issue that I had never seen before so I wanted to share the quick way to fix:

    SuspiciousOperation: Invalid HTTP_HOST header

    If you see that error it is because your ALLOWED_HOSTS setting variable isn't set and you have debug set to False. For a site running on Heroku your ALLOWED_HOSTS should look something this:

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["maxburstein.herokuapp.com", ".maxburstein.com"]

    Having a . before my domain name will allow for …

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  • Serving Django Static Files on Heroku

    Posted on December 15th, 2012 | Tags: Django, Heroku

    One of my goals when creating this blog was to create a blog that I never had to pay for. Luckily Heroku's free tier allowed me to do just that. While my blog doesn't have many static files (CSS, JS and images) Heroku typically recommends that you host them on Amazon which isn't free. However, Heroku gives you 100mb of free space for your app so I wanted to take full advantage of that and the free bandwidth they offer.

    I tested a …

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